Abrazadera del alimentador de antena para cable de alimentación de 4-7 mm FO y 9-14 mm
Antenna Feeder Accessories | Clamp Hanger for 4-7mm FO and 9-14mm Power Cable Clamp hanger is the main part of whole antenna feeder accessories, used to fix rru cable 4-7mm plus electric power cable diameter ranging from 9-14mm. Each unit of the clamp hanger holds one run of 4-7mm rru cable and one run of electric power cable. The rubber inserts inside the clamp hanger are made from EPDM rubber, which has excellent UV resistance, weather resistance and heat resistance. The rubber inserts are pre-attached to each half of hanger, ...

Outdoor Stainless Steel Cable Clamp for 1-5/8 inch Feeder
Product Description Outdoor stainless steel cable clamp for 1-5/8 inch feeder is double hole type, each unit of clamp can fix two 1-5/8" cables and can be stacked up to six 1-5/8" cables. The stainless steel cable clamp is divided into two run, four fun and six run for different installation requirements. The clamp set ensures long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. Technical Specification Cable Size: 1-5/8" Hanger Type: Double hole Number of Cables: 2 / 4 / 6 Axial Load Capability: ...

Outdoor Stainless Steel Cable Clamp for 1-1/4 inch Feeder
Product Description Outdoor Stainless Steel Cable Clamp for 1-1/4 inch Feeder The metallic parts of the clamp are all made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic parts are made of improved polypropylene (PP). The improved PP is to improve the properties of flame retardancy, heat resistance, temperature resistance, dimensional stability and rigidity. Technical Specification Cable Size: 1-1/4" Hanger Type: Double hole Number of Cables: 2 / 4 / 6 Axial Load Capability: 5 times cable weight Corrosion Resistance: 96 hours in salt spray chamber Mounting: M8 / 3/8" ...

Outdoor Stainless Steel Cable Clamp for 7/8 inch Feeder
Product Description Outdoor stainless steel cable clamp for 7/8 inch feeder is double hole type, each unit of clamp can fix two 7/8" cables and can be stacked up to six cables. The stainless steel cable clamp is divided into two run, four fun and six run for different installation requirements. The clamp set ensures long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. The metallic parts of the clamp are all made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic parts are made of improved polypropylene ...

Abrazadera de cable de acero inoxidable para exteriores para alimentador de 1/2 pulgada
Product Description Outdoor stainless steel cable clamps for 1/2 inch feeder are widely chosen to fix transmission lines, every single stack can fix two runs of 1/2" cables and can be up to six runs of 1/2" cables usually. The metallic parts of the clamp are all made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic parts are made of improved polypropylene (PP). The improved PP is to improve the properties of flame retardancy, heat resistance, temperature resistance, dimensional stability and rigidity. Technical Specification Cable Size: 1/2" Hanger Type: Double hole ...

Outdoor Stainless Steel Cable Clamp for 3/8 inch Feeder
Product Description The stainless steel cable clamp is double hole type, each unit of hanger can fix two runs of 3/8" cables and can be stacked up to fix six 3/8" cables. The cable clamp is divided into two run, four fun and six run for different installation requirements. The metallic parts of clamp set are all made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic parts are made of improved polypropylene (PP). The improved PP is to improve the properties of flame retardancy, heat resistance, temperature resistance, dimensional stability ...

Abrazadera de alimentador de un solo orificio para cable 5D-FB
Descripción del producto La abrazadera del alimentador está diseñada y fabricada para fijar y sujetar el cable 5d-fb, se divide en una vía, dos vías, tres vías y cuatro vías para la elección de instalación específica del cliente. La abrazadera de cable unidireccional se utiliza para sujetar y fijar un tramo de cable 5d-fb. La abrazadera de cable de dos vías se utiliza para sujetar y fijar dos tramos de cable 5d-fb. La abrazadera de cable de tres vías se utiliza para sujetar y fijar tres tramos de cable 5d-fb. La abrazadera de cable de cuatro vías se utiliza para sujetar y fijar cuatro tramos de ...

Abrazadera para cable de alimentación de un solo orificio tipo 1-5 / 8 ″
Descripción del producto La abrazadera de cable de alimentador de un solo orificio tipo 1-5 / 8 "está diseñada para fijar el alimentador de 1-5 / 8", está hecha de acero inoxidable 304 y polipropileno mejorado (PP). Puede garantizar la integridad a largo plazo en entornos extremos, como cimas de montañas, desiertos y aplicaciones industriales. También suministramos abrazaderas para cables de alimentación de 1/4 ", 3/8", 1/2 ", 7/8", 1-1 / 4 "y guía de onda elíptica. Ofrecemos una gran variedad de tipos de abrazaderas, como las que tienen fugas, tipo de anillo, tipo de pared para cumplir con los diferentes requisitos de instalación. Especificaciones técnicas Tamaño del cable: 1-5 / 8 "Tipo de suspensión: Orificio único Número ...

Abrazadera para cable alimentador de 7/8 ″ de orificio único
Product Descripton Single hole type 7/8" feeder cable clamp is widely used in the cable installation of base station infrastructure, it's designed to hold and fix the main feeder cable 7/8". The clamp set is divided into one way, two way and three way to hold one run, two runs and three runs of 7/8" cable accordingly. Our feeder cable clamps are designed and manufactured to ensure long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. We also provide a great variety of clamp ...

Abrazadera para cable de alimentación de 5/8 ″ de orificio único
Product Description The feeder clamp is for 5/8" cable, single hole type. It's divided into one way, two way and three way to meet customer's cable installation. The metallic parts are made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic parts are made of improved polypropylene (PP). The improved PP is to improve the properties of flame retardancy, heat resistance, temperature resistance, dimensional stability and rigidity. Our feeder cable clamps are designed and manufactured to ensure long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. We provide a ...

Abrazadera de cable superflex de 1/2 ″ de orificio único
Product Descripton The 1/2" superflex cable clamp is single hole type, it's manufactured out of non-rusting stainless steel and UV resistant PP material, it can fit with worldwide brands of coaxial cables like CommScope, Times Microwave, Amphenol, Rosenberger. Our feeder cable clamps are designed and manufactured to ensure long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. The 1/2" superflex cable clamp is divided into one way, two way, three way and four way to meet customer's specific installation requirements. Technical Specification Cable Size: 1/2" superflex ...

Abrazadera para cable de alimentación de 1/2 ″ de orificio único
Product Descripton Single hole type 1/2" feeder cable clamp is mostly used in transmission line installation. The metallic parts are made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic hangers are made of improved polypropylene (PP). The improved PP is to improve the properties of flame retardancy, heat resistance, temperature resistance, dimensional stability and rigidity. 1/2" feeder cable clamp is divided into one way, two way, three way and four way for customer's specific installation options. One way cable clamp is used to hold & fix one run of 1/2" cable. Two ...

Abrazadera para cable de alimentación de 3/8 ″ de orificio único
Descripción del producto La abrazadera del cable del alimentador de 3/8 "es del tipo de un solo orificio y está diseñada para sujetar y fijar cables de 3/8", también se adapta al cable lmr400, cable rg8 o cualquier otro cable de 10,3-11 mm de diámetro exterior. El juego de abrazaderas se divide en una vía, dos vías, tres vías y cuatro vías para cumplir con los requisitos de instalación específicos del cliente. La abrazadera de cable unidireccional se utiliza para sujetar y fijar un tramo de cable de 3/8 ". La abrazadera de cable bidireccional se utiliza para sujetar y fijar dos tramos de cable de 3/8". Se utiliza abrazadera de cable de tres vías ...

Abrazadera para cable de alimentación de 1/4 ″ de orificio único
Descripción del producto La abrazadera de cable del alimentador de 1/4 "es del tipo de un solo orificio y se divide en una vía, dos vías, tres vías y cuatro vías para las opciones de instalación específicas del cliente. La abrazadera de cable unidireccional se utiliza para sujetar y fijar un tramo de 1 / 4 "cable. La abrazadera de cable de dos vías se utiliza para sujetar y fijar dos tramos de cable de 1/4 ". La abrazadera de cable de tres vías se utiliza para sujetar y fijar tres tramos de cable de 1/4". La abrazadera de cable de cuatro vías se utiliza para sujetar y fijar cuatro tramos de cable de 1/4 ". El ...