1/2" Al Low Density Foam Coaxial Cable, 50 ohm, PE Jacket, 500m (1640') / Roll

Volda's feeder coaixal cables have reliable performace, excellent electrical characteristics and flexibility, low insertion loss & attenuation, low passive intermodulation (PIM).

Cable Specification

Внутренний проводникМатериалCopper-clad aluminium
Диаметр4,80 ± 0,05 мм
Диаметр12,20 ± 0,25 мм
Внешний проводникМатериалCorrugated aluminium
Диаметр13,90 ± 0,15 мм
Диаметр15,70 ± 0,20 мм
Импеданс50 Ом ± 2
Емкость77 пФ / м
Сопротивление изоляции10000 МОм / км
Пиковая мощность40 кВт
Пиковое напряжение6000 В
Частота среза10 ГГц
800 - 1000 МГц≤ 1,15 (КСВН)
1700-2200 МГц≤ 1,15 (КСВН)
2200 - 2700 МГц≤ 1,20 (КСВН)

About Volda

Volda is professional in manufacturing coaxial cable accessories and is dedicated to providing telecommunication tower components, installation solutions and designing new products for base station infrastructures. We supply a full line of coax support and weatherproofing accessories from the ground to the top of telecommunication towers, including coaxial connectors, feeder cables, cable clamps, grounding & lightning protection, wall cable entry systems, pulling grips, etc.
