SS304 Кабельный зажим для телекоммуникационной башни для перемычки 1/2 ″
SS304 Telecom Tower Cable Clamp for 1/2" Jumper SS304 telecom tower cable clamp for 1/2" jumper is designed and supplied to fix 1/2" jumper cable, each unit of the cable clamp has two holes and can accept up to six runs of 1/2" cables with a single complete clamp set. The metallic parts of the clamp are made from 304 stainless steel and the plastic hangers are made from improved polypropylene (PP). We provide single stack, double stack and triple stack for different installation options. Product Specification Cable Size: 1/2" ...

Пластиковая подвеска для кабеля на 7 мм
Описание продукта Пластиковая кабельная вешалка на 7 мм имеет двойное отверстие, она используется для фиксации и удержания проволочного кабеля 7 мм. Пластиковая вешалка изготовлена из улучшенного полипропилена (ПП). Улучшенный полипропилен предназначен для улучшения свойств огнестойкости, термостойкости, термостойкости, стабильности размеров и жесткости. Резиновые вставки предварительно прикреплены к самой подвеске, что более удобно и может помочь рабочим сэкономить время во время процедуры установки. Резиновые вставки изготовлены из резины EPDM, она обладает отличной стойкостью к ультрафиолету, атмосферным воздействиям и термостойкостью ...

Пластиковая кабельная вешалка на 5 мм
Описание продукта Пластиковая кабельная вешалка на 5 мм имеет двойное отверстие, она используется для фиксации и удержания 5-миллиметровых проволочных кабелей. Резиновые вставки предварительно прикреплены к самой подвеске, что более удобно и может помочь рабочим сэкономить время во время процедуры установки. Резиновые вставки изготовлены из каучука EPDM, он обладает отличной устойчивостью к УФ-излучению, атмосферным воздействиям и термостойкостью. Технические характеристики Размер кабеля: 5 мм Тип подвески: двойное отверстие Количество кабелей: 2 Допустимая осевая нагрузка: 5-кратный вес кабеля Монтаж: оборудование M8 Рабочая температура: -40 ° C ...

Click On 1-1/4 inch Coaxial Cable Clamp
Product Description Click on type coaxial cable clamp has specific locking mechanism and you will hear "click" when the clamp is installed correctly. We provide click on type clamps for 1/2", 7/8", 1-1/4" and 1-5/8" cable. The metallic parts can be 304 stainless steel or dacromet coating steel. And the plastic hangers are made from POM, which has excellent physical and mechanical properties and is one of the varieties of metal materials in plastics. It has good dimensional stability, excellent water resistance, oil resistance, chemical resistance and wear ...

Click On 7/8 inch Coaxial Cable Clamp
Product Description Click on type coaxial cable clamp has specific locking mechanism and you will hear "click" when the clamp is installed correctly. We provide click on type clamps for 1/2", 7/8", 1-1/4" and 1-5/8" cable. The metallic parts can be 304 stainless steel or dacromet coating steel. And the plastic hangers are made from POM, which has excellent physical and mechanical properties and is one of the varieties of metal materials in plastics. It has good dimensional stability, excellent water resistance, oil resistance, chemical resistance and wear ...

Click On 1/2 inch Coaxial Cable Clamp
Product Description Click on type coaxial cable clamp has specific locking mechanism and you will hear "click" when the clamp is installed correctly. The metallic parts can be 304 stainless steel or dacromet coating steel. And the plastic hangers are made from POM, which has excellent physical and mechanical properties and is one of the varieties of metal materials in plastics. It has good dimensional stability, excellent water resistance, oil resistance, chemical resistance and wear resistance. Click on 1/2 inch coaxial cable clamp has one way, two way and ...

Кабельный зажим для 3/8 ″ и 7 мм
Product Description The cable clamp is 3 hole type, one hole is for 3/8" cable and the other two holes have rubber inserts inside to fix 7mm OD cable. Each unit of hanger can fix one 3/8" cable and two 7mm cables. We provide single stack, double stack and triple stack for different installation options. The metallic parts of the clamp are made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic parts are made of improved polypropylene (PP). The improved PP is to improve the properties of flame retardancy, heat ...

Outdoor Stainless Steel Cable Clamp for 1/2 inch Superflex Feeder
Product Description Outdoor Stainless Steel Cable Clamp for 1/2 inch Superflex Feeder The clamp set consists of two parts, metallic parts and plastic parts. The metallic parts of the clamp are all made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic parts are made of improved polypropylene (PP). The improved PP is to improve the properties of flame retardancy, heat resistance, temperature resistance, dimensional stability and rigidity. Each unit of the clamp can fix two runs of 1/2" superflex cables and can be stacked up to six runs. Technical Specification Cable ...

Зажим фидера с одним отверстием для кабеля 5D-FB
Product Description The feeder clamp is designed and manufactured to fix & hold 5d-fb cable, it is divided into one way, two way, three way and four way for customer's specific installation choice. One way cable clamp is used to hold & fix one run of 5d-fb cable. Two way cable clamp is used to hold & fix two runs of 5d-fb cable. Three way cable clamp is used to hold & fix three runs of 5d-fb cable. Four way cable clamp is used to hold & fix four runs of ...

Кабельный зажим RG8 с одним отверстием
Product Description The rg8 cable clamp is single hole type and is designed to hold & fix rg8 cable, it also fits 3/8" cable, lmr400 cable or any other 10.3-11mm OD cables. The clamp set is divided into one way, two way, three way and four way to meet customer's specific installation requirements. Our rg8 cable clamps are designed and manufactured to ensure long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. The metallic parts are all made of 304 stainless steel and the ...

Кабельный зажим LMR400 с одним отверстием
Product Description The lmr400 cable clamp is single hole type and is designed to hold & fix lmr400 cable, it also fits 3/8" cable, rg8 cable or any other 10.3-11mm OD cables. The clamp set is divided into one way, two way, three way and four way to meet customer's specific installation requirements. Our lmr400 cable clamps are designed and manufactured to ensure long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. The metallic parts are all made of 304 stainless steel and the ...

Зажим для питающего кабеля с одним отверстием 1-1 / 4 ″
Product Descripton Single hole type 1-1/4" feeder cable clamp is designed to fix 1-1/4" feeder, it is made of 304 stainless steel and improved polypropylene (PP). It can ensure long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. Technical Specification Cable Size: 1-1/4" Hanger Type: Single hole Number of Cables: 1 / 2 / 3 Axial Load Capability: 5 times cable weight Corrosion Resistance: 96 hours in salt spray chamber Mounting: M8 spanner Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C UV Resistance: 100 hours exposure in ...

Зажим для фидерного кабеля 7/8 ″ с одним отверстием
Product Descripton Single hole type 7/8" feeder cable clamp is widely used in the cable installation of base station infrastructure, it's designed to hold and fix the main feeder cable 7/8". The clamp set is divided into one way, two way and three way to hold one run, two runs and three runs of 7/8" cable accordingly. Our feeder cable clamps are designed and manufactured to ensure long term integrity in extreme environments including mountain tops, deserts and industrial applications. We also provide a great variety of clamp ...

Кабельный зажим Superflex 1/2 дюйма с одним отверстием
Описание продукта Кабельный зажим superflex 1/2 дюйма имеет одно отверстие, он изготовлен из нержавеющей стали и устойчивого к УФ-излучению полипропилена, подходит для коаксиальных кабелей мировых производителей, таких как CommScope, Times Microwave, Amphenol, Rosenberger. Зажимы для фидерного кабеля спроектированы и изготовлены для обеспечения долговременной целостности в экстремальных условиях, включая горные вершины, пустыни и промышленные применения. Кабельные зажимы Superflex 1/2 дюйма делятся на односторонние, двухсторонние, трехходовые и четырехсторонние в соответствии с требованиями заказчика. требования к установке. Технические характеристики Размер кабеля: 1/2 "superflex ...

Зажим для питающего кабеля 1/2 дюйма с одним отверстием
Product Descripton Single hole type 1/2" feeder cable clamp is mostly used in transmission line installation. The metallic parts are made of 304 stainless steel and the plastic hangers are made of improved polypropylene (PP). The improved PP is to improve the properties of flame retardancy, heat resistance, temperature resistance, dimensional stability and rigidity. 1/2" feeder cable clamp is divided into one way, two way, three way and four way for customer's specific installation options. One way cable clamp is used to hold & fix one run of 1/2" cable. Two ...

Зажим для фидерного кабеля 3/8 ″ с одним отверстием
Product Description The 3/8" feeder cable clamp is single hole type and is designed to hold & fix 3/8" cable, it also fits lmr400 cable, rg8 cable or any other 10.3-11mm OD cables. The clamp set is divided into one way, two way, three way and four way to meet customer's specific installation requirements. One way cable clamp is used to hold & fix one run of 3/8" cable. Two way cable clamp is used to hold & fix two runs of 3/8" cable. Three way cable clamp is used ...

Зажим для питающего кабеля 1/4 дюйма с одним отверстием
Product Description The 1/4" feeder cable clamp is single hole type and it is divided into one way, two way, three way and four way for customer's specific installation options. One way cable clamp is used to hold & fix one run of 1/4" cable. Two way cable clamp is used to hold & fix two runs of 1/4" cable. Three way cable clamp is used to hold & fix three runs of 1/4" cable. Four way cable clamp is used to hold & fix four runs of 1/4" cable. The ...